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Posthumous Tribute: The Poetic Legacy of Jonathan Villalobos Mora

Discover the poetic legacy of Jonathan Villalobos Mora in this heartfelt posthumous tribute. Immerse yourself in his verses and let yourself be inspired by his immortal art.

May 14, 2024 by Andrés David Vargas Quesada

In honor of the memory of Jonathan Villalobos Mora, beloved writer and poet whose pen has left an indelible mark on the hearts of those who appreciate the beauty of words. His legacy endures in every verse, reminding us of the art’s ability to transcend time and space. With deep respect and admiration, we present one of his most moving poems, a literary gem that continues to inspire us.

En una noche de luna llena,
sentados frente al mar, quiero sentir tus latidos
en un abrazo que me permite amar.

Jugando con las olas que nos salpican de sal,
tus ojos me guían a una noche especial.
Bajo las estrellas, en ese intenso mar,
quiero expresar mi libertad.

Somos dos seres dispuestos a amar,
que se encuentran en un mundo
que poco a poco entenderá.

Las huellas en la arena marcan nuestro bailar,
de una felicidad difícil de explicar.

El canto del viento las palmeras moverá y,
la oscuridad de la noche en pasión se convertirá
llevando estos dos seres a una noche especial.


Jonathan Villalobos Mora

1994 - 2016

Beloved son, brother, cousin, uncle, friend, journalist, writer, and poet.

Author: Andrés David Vargas Quesada